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Oluwagbemisola Call Email Shortlist

UI/UX Designer

Lagos Mainland, Lagos , Nigeria | Female
BSc. Psychology | Obafemi Awolowo University,Ile-Ife | 2nd Class Upper | 2014


I am a UI/UX designer with a passion for creating user centric experiences and building usable digital products while employing research based methods in creating products that meets users needs. I have an academic background in psychology and this has given me a strong foundation in observing users, understanding user behavior, empathizing with users and using various forms of research methods to uncover insights that are necessary in building products that will be truly relevant to users. I believe design decisions should be taken based on objective data driven results rather than subjective opinions.


Miro (intermediate) Figma (intermediate) Invision (intermediate) AdobeXD (intermediate) Balsamiq (intermediate) Whimsical (intermediate)

Experience & Projects

Product Designer

A mobile application that helps busy working professionals to have access to experienced cleaning staff around their location

Product Designer

An online learning web application for kids (6-10 yr olds) built to cushion the effect of COVID-19 pandemic that has stalled education due to school closure.


Obafemi Awolowo University,Ile-Ife

Psychology , BSc.

2010 - 2014

Awards & Certifications

Interaction Design Foundation Membership

Interaction Design Foundation (IDF)